Ashley Beevers - Founder
I work with organisations that are looking to provide funding for projects that benefit wildlife and people in the UK. I’m passionate about the natural world and creating a brighter future for future generations; I hope to make the world a better place through my work and my personal choices.
I grew up in a small village in Hampshire nestled between Basingstoke and the North Hampshire Downs. From an early age, I was taught an appreciation for nature, my mother ran the Green Team at school and my father is an expert in downland wildlfower meadow restoration.
In the last 17 years I worked for some of the world's largest technology companies including Oracle and IBM. During this time I had the pleasure of working with marketing, brand, HR, customer and IT teams at some of the world's most exciting companies as they wrestled with fast and disruptive periods of change such as Covid 19. I also saw the increasingly important role employee and public perception had on a company's actions.
At Qualtrics, I identified a need for organisations to better understand the perception of their activities through an environmental, social and governance (ESG) lens. This led to us developing a product that enabled organisations to better understand their reputation with respect to ESG. I saw how companies that are leading the way in reducing their carbon emissions are also pledging large sums of money to protect nature as they recognise both the social importance and brand value of environmental issues.
I’m happy to now be using my skills and knowledge of business development, ESG, corporate brand management, combined with my passion for nature to raise money for impactful projects for UK wildlife.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to partner. Let's connect.
+44 7810771306